Make Your Memories Last Forever
Your tapes are not getting any younger. The video tapes you have lying around with your precious memories are degrading every day even if you do not play them. Videotape is a magnetic medium therefore it is losing information due to the earths magnetic field not to mention the magnetic speakers, motors and other devices that are found in most homes. In order to keep these memories you need to have them transferred and lucky for you we do just that!
You can bring or send in your tapes to us for repair or transfer. We can transfer your tapes to DVD or Flash Drive. If you would like to send us your tape you can follow our video tutorial using the link bellow or contact us directly.
Get the best deal with our new MEMORY VAULT©
First Transfer…..$35.-
Second and Above…..$18.-
More than 10 tapes?
Get a deal with Memory Vault©
Tape Repair.….$25.-
DVD Copies…..1 Copy = $10.- / 2+ = $7each
Flash-drive…..$20.- & up
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.